Tuesday 17 January 2012

FMQ Challenge - January 2012

I have signed up for SewCal Gal's FMQ challenge. I have free motioned quilted in the past and this is my favourite part of the quilt. However I have two major problems, firstly I find it quite difficult to relax my shoulders and secondly I would love to be able to do consistently even stitches. I am hoping that by doing a little FMQ daily even if only for 10 minutes that this might resolve my problems.

I have decided that I will make, as suggested by SewCalGal, a quilt. I feel by doing this I am more likely to follow the challenge right through to the end of the year but before stitching on the quilt I practise on a sample block.

This is my first blog and I'm obviously not very good at it. The photos were supposed to appear at the end of the blog not in the middle. The top one is my practice piece and the 2nd one is the first block in my quilt.